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Prices of Fruits Drop down by 10%
稿源: ningbo.gov.cn  | 2008-05-13 17:49:22

  It is now the busy season for fruit consumption. With the coming of many summer fruits as local water melons, berries from Fujian, and white melons from Shanghai, the average prices of fruits have dropped down by 10% against the prices early this month. During the May 1 holidays, the wholesale price for water melon was about 6 yuan/kg, but now the wholesale price for water melon from Hannan is 4.4-4.6 yuan/kg, and the local water is even cheaper than that, only 4 yuan. According to Chen, manager of Ningbo Fruit and Vegetable Market, the many summer fruits coming to the market, the average prices of fruits have dropped down by 10% against the prices early this month.
