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Donating for Quake Victims
稿源: ningbo.gov.cn  | 2008-05-20 17:14:35

  Just like a Chinese saying goes ‘one in trouble, all to help’, the news that there was a severe earthquake in Sichuan has attracted the attention of many people in Ningbo. In order to provide a channel for Ningbo people to donate money, food or clothes, Ningbo Charity Federation opened an account, the number of which is 3901110009000120345 while the bank responsible is Industry and Commerce Bank (Gulou Branch). At the same time, a donation hotline for helping Wenchuan, the worst-hit county in Sichuan, has been opened. The phone number is 87215969 while the special number for donation is 12020122000000931082 and the bank address is Ningbo Bank. Two Red Cross hotlines for donation, 87254349 and 87363783, are also opened. The special account number is 3901110409000003373 while the account name is Ningbo Red Cross and the band address is Industry and Commerce Bank (Xihe Branch).
