Despite the fast economic growth, in 2007, the energy consumption per unit GDP in Ningbo dropped down by 4.1%, and Ningbo keeps on its top position in environment among 113 key cities in environment protection in China.
According to Ningbo Environment Protection Bureau, in 2007, the environment quality is generally good, but a severe situation still exists and environment problem is still one of the restraints of the social and economic development in the time to come.
Last year, the environment quality is generally good, with 81 days of I-grade air, 248 days of II-grade air, and 36 days of III-grade air (light polluted.
So far, a monitoring network of air quality in Ningbo has been finished, which covers all the built-up areas.
In addition, the acidulation of precipitation is to some extent lessened, but there is still a high frequency of acid rains.
In terms of the surface water quality, 9 out of 12 cities or counties have water sources up to the standard of drinking water.